Home Paper Accenture Technical Round

Accenture Technical Round

by Anup Maurya
1 minutes read
Accenture Technical Round of Online Assessment
  1. Which key combination is used to select a word or phrase in MS Word?
    Answer: Shift
  2. What is the shortcut key to open the Find dialog box in MS Word?
    Answer: Ctrl+F
  3. How would you close a tab in a browser?
    Answer: Ctrl+W
  4. In Excel, what function finds the highest value in a range of cells?
    Answer: MAX
  5. Which command takes you two steps backward from any particular directory in the command prompt?
    Answer: cd ../..
  6. What does a green underline in MS Word signify?
    Answer: Contextual error
  7. Which Excel feature quickly applies a set of formatting choices to a range of cells?
    Answer: Cell Styles
  8. In a network, what attack involves forging an IP address to impersonate another device?
    Answer: Spoofing

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