C++ Language Tutorial

C++ is a high-level general-purpose programming language created by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup and first released in 1985 as an extension of the C programming language, or "C with Classes".

C++ supports different ways of programming like procedural, object-oriented, functional, and so on. This makes C++ powerful as well as flexible.

Frequently Asked Question

C++ (or “C-plus-plus”) is a general-purpose programming and coding language. C++ is used in developing browsers, operating systems, and applications, as well as in-game programming, software engineering, data structures, etc.

You can build native C++ apps for iOS, Android, and Windows devices by using the cross-platform tools available in Visual Studio. Mobile development with C++ is a workload available in the Visual Studio installer.

C++ is still in great demand in 2022 due to its exceptional dependability, performance, and scalability. Video game development is one of the most notable uses of C++. Unity Engine, PhyreEngine, and Unreal are all C++-based engines used by several prominent video game companies.