Home Data Science And Analytics Grid Search in Data Science Analytics

Grid Search in Data Science Analytics

by Anup Maurya
2 minutes read

Grid search is one of the techniques used for the tuning of hyperparameters in machine learning models. Hyperparameters are settings that control the learning process of the model, but aren’t directly learned from the data.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Define a grid: You specify a range of possible values for each hyperparameter you want to tune.
  2. Train the model: The model is trained on the training data with every possible combination of hyperparameter values from the defined grid.
  3. Evaluate performance: A chosen evaluation metric (like accuracy or error) is used to assess the performance of the model for each hyperparameter combination.
  4. Select the best: The combination of hyperparameters that results in the best performance metric is chosen as the optimal set.

Benefits of Grid Search

  • Systematic approach: It explores all combinations within the defined grid, ensuring no good option is missed.
  • Identifies optimal hyperparameters: Helps find the hyperparameter settings that lead to the best model performance.

Drawbacks of Grid Search

  • Computational cost: Can be computationally expensive, especially for models with many hyperparameters and large datasets.
  • Limited exploration: Only explores the defined grid, potentially missing better hyperparameter values outside the grid.

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